About the First National Youth Colloquium

The First Inter-Faith National Youth Colloquium is an initiative of the Inter-Religious Council of Uganda (IRCU), in partnership with the Global Peace Foundation (GPF) and the Government of Uganda. This inaugural event, themed “Resilient, Skilled, and Competent Young People Driving the African Renaissance,” will take place on the 20th of June 2024 at POPE PAUL VI MEMORIAL HOTEL KAMPALA. The Colloquium will convene 500 youth leaders from religious, political, and academic institutions across the country to address the challenges and opportunities for youth in the 21st century. 

Why the Colloquium

Recognizing that youth are the largest and most vital segment of the population in many African countries, including Uganda, the IRCU and its partners have taken the initiative to organize this colloquium. The event aims to contribute to mindset change, influence policy, and promote skilling among the youth. With Uganda’s rapidly growing young population facing significant challenges such as unemployment, lack of skills-based education, and exclusion from decision-making processes, the colloquium will provide a platform for dialogue and action to address these issues.

This program and initiative is designed to influence policy and expand opportunities for the youth through mindset change, mentorship and skilling through; 
(a) Extending value based skilled education for the future.
(b) Nurturing values and ethics.
(c) Building resilience through Inter-Generational Dialogue
(d) Optimizing the opportunities presented by digitalization and,
(e) Supporting youth led enterprises, innovation and Capacity building in practical agriculture, business, tourism, Oil and Gas.

Event Details

  • Start Time

    8:00 am

  • End Time

    05:00 pm

  • Event Type

    Inaugural event


  • Inter-Religious Council of Uganda (IRCU)

  • Phone Number

    +256 701430915

  • +256 751664586

  • Email Address


  • snamuganza@ircu.or.ug

  • Website
