- +256414342877
- secretarygeneral@ircu.or.ug
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- West Nile Inter-Faith network
- Acholi Religious Leaders Peace Initiative Forum
- Lango Religious’ Leaders Peace Forum
- Teso Religious Leaders’ Efforts for Peace and Reconciliation
- The Interim Inter-Faith Steering Committee for Eastern Region
- Busoga Religious Leaders’ Forum
- Bunyoro Inter-Religious Council
- Western Uganda Inter-Religious Forum
- Moroto-Nakapiripirit Religious Leaders’ Initiative for Peace (MONARLIP)
- Kigezi Inter-Faith Forum
IRCU has been delivering HIV/AIDS, peace, human rights and good governance programs in the country for over a decade. During this period, IRCU has been able to deliver services to a multitude of Ugandans across many communities.
It has also been able to undertake civic engagement program where consciousness of the citizenry in respect to their democratic and constitutional rights and their obligations in the electoral and governance processes and also demand for accountability from leaders.
IRCU has been doing good work as the national level. In order to strengthen FBOs to undertake advocacy, resource mobilization and coordination at the regional and district level, the IRCU Board established the following Regional Inter-faith Networks