Creating and strengthening impartiality and independent spaces for dialogue and conciliation

IRCU builds on the achievements of its interventions during the 2011 and 2016 presidential elections to minimize the potential for violent political conflict. It has intensified prayer for the peace in the country and as the guardian for the common good. Working in close collaboration with the Council of Elders, IRCU has provided independent and safe spaces for dialogue and conciliation and seek every opportunity to address political candidates on the challenges along the way before, during and after the elections. IRCU continues to be the voice of the nation on political and election reforms, critical for the consolidation of good and democratic governance and continuance of peaceful and harmonious co-existence.

Nurturing integrity, building peace, justice and good governance and popularizing shared vision and values.

IRCU continues to nurture integrity and popularize the shared vision and values to make Uganda a truly God-fearing country. In particular, it has identified and strongly advocated around the main challenges that undermine integrity such as lack of an effective social security system that compromises people that would model these values because they are under pressure to look to the state for their survival.